Know which foods to avoid when you have arthritis

Joint pain, swelling and difficulty in movement are some of the symptoms of arthritis, which is an inflammation of the bones and joints. This chronic disease affects millions of people in Brazil and in the world and tends to intensify over the years.

The treatment of this condition involves the practice of physical exercises, physical therapy and, in more serious cases, the use of pain medications. But, there is another factor that greatly influences the intensity of pain, which is food. That's why today we bring you some foods to avoid when you have arthritis.

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Foods to Avoid When You Have Arthritis

  • processed foods

Fast foods, processed meats, and other processed foods with high levels of preservatives are dangerous for arthritis patients. This is because the preservatives present in these products are highly inflammatory, so they intensify the condition of the body. Therefore, arthritis patients are recommended to always prioritize organic foods as they are much healthier and safer.

  • dairy products

Another type of food that boosts the inflammation of arthritis is dairy products, which are always present on Brazilian tables. Thus, the consumption of milk and its derivatives is a great risk for patients with arthritis. In this case, it is very interesting to replace dairy products with vegetable milk, such as soy, nut and coconut.

  • Excess salt and sugar

Let's not deny that condiments are essential to sharpen the flavor of practically every meal, but their excess is quite harmful. After all, salt can stimulate hypertension, and sugar, diabetes. Furthermore, both are configured as a risk factor for cases of autoimmune diseases, which include arthritis. Even excess sugar is also largely responsible for the initial development of the disease.

  • Gluten

Gluten is highly inflammatory and can generate a series of restlessness, discomfort and pain in different parts of the body. Even more so in the case of people suffering from arthritis, which is already an inflammation condition. Therefore, studies point out that stopping eating foods with gluten can greatly reduce bone pain caused by the disease.

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