What is bet?

Note the highlighted segments in the sentences below:

(1) This is Peter, the seller I told you about.

(2) Three things are fundamental in studies: organization, discipline and commitment.

It is possible to notice that these segments highlighted in the prayers refer to others and give them a kind of additional information, isn't it? In (1), we have the idea that the segment brings a explanation about who Peter is. In (2), this excerpt highlighted enumerate the three essential things in studies. This type of segment has a name in Portuguese: bet. So, we can define it as:

⇒ A term of nominal character that joins a noun, a pronoun, or terms equivalent to these, to expand, summarize, explain or develop its meaning.

The bet is classified according to the function performed in the prayer, Look:

Bet Rating:

a) Explanatory bet:

Mona Lisa, work by Leonardo da Vinci, is exhibited at the Louvre Museum in Paris.

b) Enumerative bet:

The French Revolution defended three ideals: Liberty, equality and fraternity.

c) Recapitulative bet:

Food re-education, exercise and determination, all these factors are essential for weight loss.

d) Comparative bet:

I will travel to Cancun, heaven of the gods.


1) The bet can also be represented by a prayer. Look:

Quickly, he made a decision: would get a new job.

2) In writing, the bet is always preceded by comma or two points. Explanatory and comparative entries are preceded and followed by a comma.

By Mariana Rigonatto
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-e-aposto.htm

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