Know some signs that you may have diabetes through your feet

One of the ways the body shows that something is wrong with the blood sugar level is through certain features on the feet.

Diabetes is a disease that demonstrates an increase in the level of glucose in the blood. Because it is a “silent” disease, many people discover that they have it at the time when the disease is most critical. What these people don't know is that they could have known they were developing diabetes earlier if they paid attention to their feet. So understand more about how some foot signs can indicate diabetes.

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Understand more about diabetes and how feet can signal this disease

Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels, called hyperglycemia. To function properly, cells need fuel, which is, of course, glucose. In order for this component to enter the cells, a hormone known as insulin is needed, and it is the low that causes people to develop diabetes.

Another factor that some people don't know about the disease, is that there are two different types of diabetes. In type 1, insulin production from the pancreas is insufficient because its cells suffer from autoimmunity destruction. Already in type 2 it develops as a result of bad eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and urban stress.

Relationship of diabetes with the feet

Now that you know a little more about what diabetes is and what its main causes are, it's time to tell you why. therefore people should always be aware of some signs of the feet, in order to help in the perception of the disease as early as possible.

Diabetic feet are more vulnerable to infections because diabetes reduces blood flow to the extremities, making cuts and other wounds take longer to heal. According to the UK Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Diseases, there are three significant symptoms for diabetic feet: heat, redness and swelling.

In this way, when constantly identifying these signs in the foot region, it is important to seek a doctor and find out more. deeply what could be causing this, as this could be a sign that the body is developing diabetes.

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