Bullying: how to raise more aware children to avoid this type of problem?

In the past, not much attention was paid to cases of physical and especially psychological aggression between children. However, fortunately, over the years, this type of action has been given a name: bullying. In this sense, parents need to know how to raise more aware children to avoid bullying problems.

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After all, what is bullying? understand now

From teasing to physical attacks, bullying is a type of aggressive behavior carried out repeatedly by a person in order to intimidate or show that he has some power about another. This form of violence, which can be both physical and psychological, causes a lot of pain and sadness in the victim.

It is important to highlight that, with the internet, virtual violence, called cyberbullying, also emerged. In this category, attacks can be even worse, since they are amplified by the online world and, consequently, humiliations can ruin the honor and image of those who suffer violence.

How to raise more aware children to avoid bullying?

To prevent your child from becoming the aggressor, it is necessary to encourage empathy and respect for others. In this way, it is also important to talk about bullying and show that these violent attitudes are not tolerable. Here are some tips to help reduce bullying:

talk about nicknames

An extremely common form of bullying is through derogatory nicknames. So talk to your children and make it clear that they should only call other children by nicknames if they allow it. If there is any discomfort with the nickname in question, it should not be used.

Nurture respect for others

As we mentioned initially, it is important to awaken empathy to prevent bullying situations. Therefore, demonstrate the importance of always putting yourself in the other's shoes. Also, be an example of respect for people.

Monitor what your kids do on the internet

Talk to the children and explain that, in the virtual universe, the statements they make can be tracked. In addition, monitor the contents accessed. If the child has profiles on social networks, explain the rules of this type of environment and encourage them to always maintain education.

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