Luciano Huck is criticized on Twitter after defending Novo Ensino Médio

Last Monday (3), presenter Luciano Huck became the target of criticism on social networks after giving his opinion on the decision of the Ministry of Education, which revoked the New High School. The comment was made on Twitter and supports the model established by the former president's government Michel Temer.

“The New Secondary School should be above ideological differences. Even with difficult implementation, it makes no sense to go back to square one. The effort to offer a more attractive school for students and connected with their life and career expectations must be permanent”, said the presenter on the social network.

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Source: Reproduction Twitter

However, the presenter's comment generated numerous opinions, and most of the followers' comments differ from the presenter's.

“'Above ideological differences' may be a catchphrase, but without content. Would it be not talking about the absurdities of wars, the cruelty of enslavement, class inequality or misogyny in the country? Neutrality has always been a lie to privilege hegemony”, says the comment with the most likes.

Professor and congresswoman Elika Takimoto also gave her opinion.

“Caro, do you think that we teachers don't want a more attractive school? Do you think public school students – where they don't even have teachers for all subjects – are able to offer all itineraries? This reform is a true apartheid”, said Elika.

Brazilian secondary education faces several challenges. The formation of secondary education in Brazil is characterized by high rates of school dropout, which means that many young people do not complete this stage of basic education.

This teaching phase prepares students for life in society, offering them tools to understand and act in the world in which they live. This includes developing skills such as the ability to communicate clearly and effectively, work in a team, make decisions and solve problems.

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