How Assertive People Get What They Want: 10 Key Traits

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A assertive personality it is a highly desirable trait in many aspects of life. It's a quality many people look for in friends, partners, and co-workers. But what exactly does it mean to be assertive?

Being assertive means being able to express your opinions, feelings and needs clearly and directly, without being aggressive or passive. Assertive people are able to stand up for their values ​​and boundaries without offending or disrespecting others.

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There are many traits that define an assertive personality. Therefore, we have separated some of the main ones for you to know:

1. Self confidence

Assertive people are self-confident and believe in themselves. They know they have the right to express their opinions and needs and they are not afraid to do so.

2. clear communication

Assertive people are able to communicate clearly and directly. They do not use ambiguous or confusing language to express their ideas.

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3. negotiation skill

Assertive people are good negotiators. They are able to find solutions that meet their needs and those of others.

4. respect for others

Assertive people respect others and their opinions. They do not try to impose their ideas aggressively or disrespectfully.

5. Self control

Assertive people are able to control their emotions and do not allow them to interfere with communication. They are able to express themselves calmly and assertively, even in stressful situations.

6. ability to listen

Assertive people are good listeners. They are open to hearing the opinions of others and considering them in their decisions.

7. Justice sense

Assertive people have a strong sense of justice. They believe in treating others fairly and respectfully.

8. Positive attitude

Assertive people have a positive attitude towards life. They are optimistic and believe they can achieve their goals.

9. Ability to deal with criticism

Assertive people are able to handle criticism constructively. They are not easily offended and are able to learn from their mistakes.

10. firmness

Assertive people are firm in their opinions and decisions. They don't change their minds easily and are able to defend their choices.

Develop an assertive personality

Having an assertive personality can be extremely beneficial in many aspects of life. Assertive people are able to achieve their goals and defend their values ​​and boundaries respectfully and effectively.

If you want to develop an assertive personality, you can start by practicing clear and direct communication and learning to control your emotions in stressful situations. Over time, you can become a more self-confident and assertive person in all areas of your life.
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