the month of vacation arrived, and many people are prepared to face long flights to enjoy the rest days. According to data from Infraero, the airports have greater movement in the months of December and January, with 45% more trips compared to the other months of the year.
If you are among the people who are going to travel, know that there are precautions that deserve to be taken when facing a long trip.The by airplane. Generally, flights lasting more than eight hours can cause serious problems, and can even lead to dehydration of the body and the development of thrombosis.
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Because of this, Adele Vasconcelos, a doctor at Hospital Santa Marta de Brasília, revealed what a long flight can do to the body and indicated the best ways to tackle the journey.
Tips for tackling a long trip
1. Decrease the risk of thrombosis
The fact of staying 8 to 12 hours without making movements increases the chances of developing thrombosis, forming blood clots in the legs. To avoid this, take short walks inside the plane whenever possible, respecting everyone's space.
The doctor recommends taking a walk at least every hour, especially for people with heart disease.
“Before traveling, this patient should seek his cardiologist to guide the necessary flight measures to avoid thrombosis”, indicated physician Adele Vasconcelos.
2. Dehydration
If the journey is long, the ideal is to keep the body hydrated throughout the journey. The ideal humidity does not exist within transport, which can further influence dehydration.
The doctor recommends that passengers can drink more fluids than they are used to and it is essential to stay hydrated while on the flight.
3. Ear pain, shortness of breath, problems with sleep and bowel problems
The doctor informed that the pressure on the trip is different and the body reacts according to the environment. Therefore, the body is under these strong influences:
- In the intestine, the person can release more gases than normal;
- Head pain can cause a large concentration of air in the face;
- Ear pain is caused by different air pressure between the two eardrums;
- It can cause sleep confusion, the "jet-lag" effect, due to the body's own biological schedule, causing excessive sleep and fatigue.
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