A vitamin C it's an essential nutrient for good health, but what many don't know is that the human body doesn't produce and doesn't store this nutrient. So that supplies can be replenished, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is needed. Knowing the ideal amount of this vitamin for the body is important, both not to miss it and not to overdo it. Follow the article and learn more.
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Benefits of Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen, another very important nutrient for the human body: collagen maintains a good skin, strong bones, good teeth, protects against heart disease and is even a protection to the cancer.
Recent research shows that vitamin C can lower blood cholesterol LDL in the blood. Vitamin is also directly linked to the immune system, which is strengthened by the healthy living routine. Also, she is a great ally in absorbing iron in the body.
In general, citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, broccoli, green and red peppers, strawberries and kiwi are great sources of vitamin C, so all these benefits can be acquired by ingesting these foods.
The ideal amount of vitamin C that the body needs
The National Academy of Sciences pointed out that men need 90 mg daily of vitamin C and women need 75 mg daily.
Vitamin supplementation is usually composed of ascorbic acid and can be an enemy for those with a sensitive stomach. For these people, the ideal is to supplement their diet with a less acidic formula.
Concerns about Vitamin C
Ingesting about 2 g or more daily can cause problems in the stomach and intestines, but even so, the excess vitamin can be eliminated by the body itself.
Before taking any medication, consult your trusted doctor to find out with which medicines vitamin C can be taken together and do not self-medicate.
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