High ability young people will gain school supplementation in RJ

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It was almost two years with distance classes and not all students had access to technology to study. Due to these mishaps, many young people ended up being late or with compromised learning.

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With that in mind, Alicerce Educação, Instituto Apontar and Instituto Virgolim created a school supplement project for the reverse shift. The project will receive an investment from Stone and is aimed at students from sixth to eighth grade with high abilities.

“For more than 15 years we have been working together with the Department of Education of the municipality of Rio with the objective of assisting students with high abilities. This project is the expansion to other areas of the city that were not being served”, said the director of the Instituto Apontar, Ciça Melo. She also adds that young people and their families will have psychosocial follow-up with specialized teams.

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How it works?

The selection of these students will be through mapping of public schools in Rio de Janeiro. Soon after, 11 educational centers will be created, according to each Regional Education Coordination, and another 60 nearby schools. In all, 250 students will be selected.

In the reverse shift, students will have 3 hours/day of classes with supplementary activities, classes with professionals from different areas of activity and even debate on controversial issues for the development of thinking critical.

The institutes aim to further develop these students who have above average skills, to encourage their evolution. That's what Stone's president, Augusto Lins says. “Stone supports the project because it understands that it contributes to the formation of academically and socially strong young people, people who will be able to become future leaders and will contribute to the reduction of inequalities and the promotion of greater social inclusion”, highlights.

The plans are that, in the future, the project will be able to cover all high-skill young people in the municipality.

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