Streaming services are losing market to "pirate" applications

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Have you noticed how almost everyone switched from the closed television service to the streaming? This has been happening for a while due to the offer of great titles at more affordable prices. However, another change has been taking place in Brazil: the growth of “pirate” streaming sites and apps.

In this article we will discuss the reasons for this situation and also what are the risks of these illegal sites. Want to know more? Check out the article in full. Good reading!

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See too: Netflix: platform announces the possibility of launching a free subscription

Streaming service prices are unsustainable

As soon as Netflix arrived in Brazil as the great streaming service, it was common for many homes to have an account in the application. However, over the years, both the economic crisis and the exorbitant increase in the prices of the company's packages caused accounts to be canceled. However, this is not an exclusive move by Netflix, since many other companies are also experiencing this problem, such as Disney+ and Telecine.

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Although many accounts have been canceled, the demand for quality entertainment offered by these companies is still high. This explains why so many people are looking for cheaper ways to consume it, even if it is illegal.

Apps that have more audience than streaming services

You can even notice the growth of “pirate” streaming sites through your own cell phone or computer. To do this, just go to the app store and observe the number of downloads of pirated streaming apps.

Doing so, you may notice that some different names are among the most downloaded:

  • CineVision;
  • V5;
  • MegaFlix;
  • PopcornTime.

All these apps work as illegal video, movie and series streaming platforms and have a larger audience than Netflix. However, even with a service that delivers what the customer wants, these applications can be used to contaminate their electronic devices with malware. Therefore, whenever possible, avoid clicking on suspicious links from these “pirate” servers.

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