Creating a drawing with Paint

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Open Paint. Let's learn now how to use it. Paint was created to be as easy to use as a drawing board, with all the tools at hand. Let's draw a rectangle with a circle inside.
In the Paint Toolbar (left side of the Paint window) you will find all the tools needed to perform this task.
Click to expand the picture
- Click on the rectangle (figure)
- Drag the mouse from any point on the upper left edge of Paint's drawing area to the opposite edge, to form a rectangle.
- Now click on the ellipse tool.
- Drag it to form a circle.
- Now click on the Ink Tin.
- Fill it with the paint color of your choice. You can achieve this simply by clicking on the desired color in the color palette. The palette is located in the lower left corner of the Paint window.
- Pour the can from the inside of the circle. If you make a mistake, spilling ink in the wrong place, don't worry. Move your mouse to the Edit menu in Paint's menu bar and click the undo option.

Windows - Computing - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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