Itaú opens the Young Apprentice Program throughout Brazil

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The leading bank for the second time on the list of dream companies as the best place to work, according to the ranking prepared by Linkedin, registration is open for the Young Apprentice Program.

These are vacancies for young people between 16 and 22 years of age who have completed, are attending high school, or are studying higher education.

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The bank preferably seeks students from the public education network who are willing and willing to learn.

The young Itaú Unibanco apprentice must work in the branch network and in the company's central administration.

Discover the activities:

Branch Network:The apprentice works close to the ATMs or the entrance hall, interacting with the customer to indicate the most appropriate channel for his request.

Central administration:Apprentices provide support to administrative activities in the most diverse areas of the bank.

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Program benefits

Itaú offers several benefits to the company's young apprentice, they are:

  • Meal ticket;
  • Transport allowance without discounts;
  • Differentiated salary policy;
  • Group life insurance;
  • Medical and odontologic assistence.

Process Steps

The young apprentice program involves three stages that candidates must complete:

  • Selection of resumes;
  • Collective interview;
  • Individual or group dynamic interview with the area manager.


Young people interested in applying for vacancies in the Itaú Unibanco program must send their CV through the recruiter's website for the selection process, click here for registration.

About the Itaú Young Apprentice Program 

The Young Apprentice Program emerged as a legal requirement in Brazil, from Law 10,097 – December 19, 2000 –, with the aim of promoting the insertion of young people in the labor market.

And this objective has everything to do with Itaú's purpose: to stimulate people's power of transformation.
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