Richard Laurence Millington Synge

British scientist born in Liverpool, researcher at Rowett Research Institute, Bucksburn, Scotland, who shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1952) with Archer John Porter Martin of the National Institute for Medical Research, London, for discovering a way to determine the chemical composition of alloys using the chromatography. Son of Laurence Millington Synge of Liverpool Stock Exchange and Katharine Charlotte Swan, he entered Winchester College (1928) studying the natural sciences.
He then transferred (1933) to Trinity College, University of Cambridge, to study physics, chemistry and physiology (1935) and biochemistry (1936). He worked as a research student (1936-1939) supervised by Mr. N. W. Pirie, at the University Biochemical Laboratory, then headed by Sir Frederick G. Hopkins, and later (1939-1941) at the Wool Industries Research Association in Leeds. She earned her Ph.D. in Cambridge (1941) and in the same year joined the staff of the Wool Industries Research Association in Leeds. He married (1943) Ann Stephen, daughter of psychoanalysts Adrian and Karin Stephen, and they had seven children in following order: Jane, Elizabeth, MatthewMillington, Patrick Millington, Alexander Millington, Charlotte and Mary.

He then moved (1943) to the Biochemistry Department of the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, London, working under the leadership of W.T.J. Morgan. Years later (1948), he became head of the Department of Protein Chemistry at the Rowett Research Institute at Bucksburn, Aberdeen, where he remained for 19 years. Elected Fellow of the Royal Society (1950) and of the Royal Institute of Chemistry (1952), he spent two years (1958-1959) at the Ruakura Animal Research Station, Hamilton, New Zealand, working with E.P. White, on a survey of fungi toxic. He was also Agricultural Research Unit (1967-1976), Honorary Professor of Biology at the University of East Anglia (1968-1984), Honorary Fellow of Trinity College (1972-1994), and died in Norwich, Norfolk, England.


Order R - Biography - Brazil School

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