What is bullying at school and how to solve it

Bullying at school (or school bullying) is a set of aggressive behaviors that occur among children and young people within the school space. These behaviors are often verbal insults, threats, humiliations and physical attacks.

All types of bullying, including school, involve power imbalance between the people involved. Bullying is characterized by the repetition over time of aggressive attitudes that can cause physical and psychological damage to the victim.

School bullying can be practiced by an individual (the bully, an English word meaning “bully”) or by a group. Although there is no specific motivation for bullying at school, it is common for children and young people to be bullied because of their color. their skin, because of their sexual orientation, because they do not fit a certain standard of beauty or because they have some deficiency.

These are the types of bullying practiced within the school: physical bullying (kicking, punching, pinching etc.), verbal (offending, insulting, cursing, etc.),

psychological (blackmail, discriminate, exclude etc.), sexual (abusing, harassing, raping) and material (stealing, stealing, destroying belongings etc.).

How to solve the problem of school bullying?

Combating bullying in schools is not an easy task and requires the involvement of both public authorities and members of the school community: principals, families, teachers, employees and students. Whatever the action, the solution to the problem goes through the building a school environment where children feel protected.

For a long time, school bullying was socially accepted. People used to think of it as a “child thing”, a “joke” or a “joke”. Therefore, in order to break this culture of permissiveness and show that bullying is not a mere “buzz”, it is important that all actors involved do their part.

what school can do

It's up to the school work on the issue of respect for differences in your curriculum.. This theme can be included in didactic sequences of disciplines, especially the humanities. It is important that students are aware of the importance of respecting others, whether at school or outside of it.

The school can also create interdisciplinary projects of a more comprehensive character. Thematic weeks, film sessions, debates with guests, lectures etc. There are many ways to create a positive, respectful and safe school environment through awareness.

Another important measure is the school always keep communication channels open. It is essential that advisors, teachers and principals are always willing to listen to children, and that they feel free to talk about their problems.

Guide children and young people to support those who are bullied it's also an attitude that can help a lot. Those who are victims of bullying tend to isolate themselves. In crisis situations, the moral support of colleagues is essential.

In cases of high risk, the school should individualized monitoring of the victim and take educational measures to contain the offender. One must not wait to act.

what families can do

too it is important that families make themselves present, closely following their children's school life and imposing limits when necessary. Children must be taught from an early age that it is wrong to offend and attack.

Dialogue with children is a way to fight or prevent bullying. Maintain healthy communication at home it favors the transmission of positive values ​​and feelings, in addition to creating favorable conditions for children who are being bullied to ask for support.

What can public authorities do

In order to fight bullying, public authorities also play a fundamental role. The Federal Government, through the Ministry of Education, may promote awareness campaigns and develop public policies aimed at training of pedagogical teams and teachers public network to deal with the problem.

It's up to the public power invest more and more in education, whether in the remuneration of teachers and employees, or in the improvement of school spaces. Creating a healthy school environment involves advances in working conditions and improving the structure of schools.

Consequences of school bullying

School bullying can cause very serious harm to those who suffer it. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), ongoing assaults within the school space can cause children to avoid or even want to drop out of school.

Other common consequences in children and young people who suffer bullying are worsens in school performance and low self-esteem. Among the psychological damages, the APA highlights the anxiety, depression and loneliness. Bullying victims are also more likely to commit suicide.

Is school bullying a crime?

School bullying is considered an illegal act – that is, it violates the right and causes harm to another person. Depending on the aggressor's age, can be considered a crime (if you are over 18) or an infraction (if you are a minor).

One of the most common damages produced by school bullying is the moral type. The aggressor can be sued and, if the moral damage is confirmed, the victim is indemnified.

In the case of bullying by children and young people under 18, the offender's parents can be held responsible. In Brazil, there have been cases in which parents of students had to pay compensation for moral damages to their children's victims.

In the case of physical bullying, the penalties can be even more severe. In Brazil, minors have already had to comply with socio-educational measures in a semi-open regime for systematically assaulting schoolmates.

bullying law

Law 13.185/2015, which entered into force in 2016, is a specific law on bullying that institutes the Program to Combat Systematic Intimidation.

In addition to defining what systematic intimidation (bullying) is, the law determines the objectives of the program to combat and prevent bullying. Among the measures are the training of teachers, the implementation of educational campaigns and psychological assistance to victims and aggressors.

See too:

  • Types of Bullying
  • meaning of bullying
  • Definition of Cyberbullying

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