Environment: it is necessary to create a culture of conservation

Working on the “environment” theme is apparently an easy mission, as it has been gaining more and more space in our daily lives. However, it only makes sense to approach it if there is an intention to create awareness of its conservation throughout the school community, in an education proposal that will awaken from the initial to the most advanced grades.
Working with learning projects opens up a space in the classroom to develop broader discussions, research and concrete experiences, which can arrive at a scientific-cultural exhibition, favoring learning, giving the opportunity to make the population aware of the problems and needs of the world, in a way general. In addition, it allows the exchange between the different subjects that the student takes.
Much has been said about the conservation of the environment, but the awareness that the planet urgently needs our care has not yet been created.
Decisions about the problems are proceeding in a bureaucratic way, remaining only on paper, without taking more serious decisions, both by the population and by the government. As an example, just ask how many schools have effectively worked on the discussion about conscious consumption and the impacts that human activities have been causing across the planet. Another question: in how many Brazilian capitals is selective garbage collection carried out? Is this process really effective, for example, involving collectors and cooperatives, giving them decent working conditions?

It is good to remember here the time that nature takes to extinguish some of the main garbage it receives. Paper, from three to six months; tissue, six months to one year; cigarette filter, five years; gum, five years old; painted wood, thirteen years old; nylon, more than thirty years; plastic, more than a hundred years; metal, over a hundred years; rubber, indefinite time and glass, a million years.

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The main thing at this time is taking action, albeit individually, in the hope that they will serve as an example for the younger generations. And, who knows, we will manage to make the population wake up to the seriousness of the problem. We must change our habits urgently!
If, for example, we stop using plastic cups and avoid pet bottles (Poly Ethyl Ethyl), sending those already used for recycling, we will be able to help the planet a lot. Did you know, for example, that 90% of the debris found in the oceans is plastic; and of these, almost 30% correspond to the famous supermarket bags?
Another simple and important attitude is not to waste food. Firstly, because it is unfair to do this while huge numbers of people are starving; and, among other reasons, because most of the garbage produced in the world is organic.
Finally, we must assume, from now on, the awareness that we can do more for the planet; including, by warning other people about their bad habits. Just wanting and believing that a simple gesture will make a big difference.
You just want to. And nature will thank you for sure.
By Jussara de Barros and Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Pedagogy, and specialist biologist in Environmental Education
Brazil School Team

education - Brazil School

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

ARAGUAIA, Mariana. "Environment: it is necessary to create a culture of conservation"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/educacao/meio-ambiente-preciso-criar-cultura-preservacao.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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