Child labor in the world: causes and consequences

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Child labor is a form of work that involves exploitation of labor by children and adolescents. In addition to generating various social problems, it directly affects those involved.

What is Child Labor?photo of children working

Causes of Child Labor

  • poverty and low income
  • Low parental education
  • lots of children
  • poor quality of education
  • Search for cheap labor
  • Lack of labor and inspection

Consequences of Child Labor

  • Affects child and/or adolescent development
  • the individual loses childhood
  • Generates several social problems
  • Causes illnesses and psychological problems
  • Induces low performance and school dropout
  • Causes unpreparedness for the labor market

Types of Child Labor

There are several ways to explore child labor, the most common being jobs in:

  • family homes
  • Field (sites and farms)
  • Mines, cane fields and factories
  • drug trafficking
  • Prostitution and Minor Pornography
  • human trafficking

Many of them can be compared to slavery, where conditions are extremely inappropriate and precarious and where labor is often forced.

It is noteworthy that the

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domestic child labor it is also an aggravating factor. Many children, especially girls, are forced to work at home for hours every day.

According to data from the Report Free Brazil from Child Labor (2013) by the NGO Repórter Brasil, it is estimated that around 258,000 children and adolescents between 10 and 17 years old work in family homes. Of that number, 94% are female.

According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), around 15.5 million people under the age of 18 are engaged in domestic activities.

There are also cases of sexual abuse by the family itself. In many countries around the world, many children are forced into prostitution at an early age.


Every country in the world has legislation that determines the minimum age to enter the labor market. The laws also include what is considered to be exploitation of child labor.

Generally, from the age of 16, the person is able to work. However, in several countries, considered to be underprivileged, the law allows working from the age of 14 onwards.

According to article 7 of Convention No. 138 of the International Labor Organization (ILO):

National legislation may permit the employment or work of persons aged thirteen to fifteen years in light work, provided that they:
a) are not likely to harm the health or development of said minors; and
b) are not of such a nature as to impair your school attendance, your participation in vocational guidance or training, approved by the competent authority, or the use of education that receive.

In Brazil, child labor is considered illegal for children and adolescents between 5 and 13 years old. From the age of 14 onwards, work is legalized if the person is an apprentice.

Between 16 and 18 years old, Brazilian law allows work activities, as long as they are carried out between 6:00 am and 10:00 pm.

Learn more about Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA).

Child Labor in Brazil

One of the great social problems affecting our country is child labor. According to statistics from PNAD (2007), 1.2 million children are working between the ages of 5 and 13 years.

Unfortunately, these data show the stark reality of the country. It is common to see several children on the streets working at traffic lights, trains, etc.

They stop going to school for reasons that are associated with various social problems, such as family breakdown, lack of income, abandonment, among others.

Many of them work in the field and do not receive remuneration from an early age. In such cases, inspection becomes a difficult task.

Currently, several programs are working to improve this scenario, of which the Peti (Program for the Eradication of Child Labor) deserves to be highlighted.

In Brazil, the Northeast is the region with the highest number of child labor exploitation. About 50% work on farms and farms. It is worth noting that black children are the biggest target of child labor in the country.

Read more about the Child Labor in Brazil.

Child Labor in the World

UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund, in English United Nations Children's Fund) is a body responsible for defending the rights of children around the world.

This body was founded in 1946 and since then it has contributed to actions that include the development and rights of children.

According to the UN (United Nations), there are currently more than 7 billion children in the world who are included in the child labor list.

Worldwide, the practice of using child labor is more common in underdeveloped countries, especially in the African, American and Asian continents.

Also read about the Child mortality and Underdeveloped countries.

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