These are the 8 WORST foods for acid reflux

Acid reflux is nothing more, nothing less, than a gastric condition in which the contents present in the stomach rise and go to the region of the esophagus, generating a terrible burning sensation that goes from the chest to the throat, that is, causing heartburn and bad breath. digestion.

This condition can be worsened by the presence of certain foods and, therefore, we have prepared this article with 8 foods that directly contribute to acid reflux and its symptoms. Know these foods and avoid them if you suffer from gastric reflux:

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Check out the list of the 8 worst foods for acid reflux sufferers:

See now which are the 8 foods that worsen the condition of acid reflux and, if you suffer from this condition, avoid them:

1. spicy foods

The capsaicin present in peppers, despite being beneficial to health, can be linked to gastric deceleration, causing reflux due to relaxation and opening of the lower sphincter.

2. Greasy food

Popular foods such as cheese, fried foods, ice cream or fast food can also relax the sphincter and open it up, resulting in acid reflux.

3. acidic foods

Unlike the two previous classes, acidic foods do not directly cause acid reflux, but make the situation worse, since acidity can irritate the esophagus, causing discomfort.

4. Drinks that contain caffeine

Caffeine stimulates the digestive juices, thus causing acid reflux.

5. Chocolate

This food triggers acid reflux by relaxing the lower esophagus.

6. Onion

Onion has carbohydrates that are highly fermentable and that contribute to stomach inflammation and, consequently, generate the reflux of stomach juice into the esophagus.

7. Alcohol

This problem can get worse depending on the amount of alcohol ingested, it is worth remembering that this substance can inflame the stomach and irritate its lining.

8. carbonated drinks

This problem occurs due to the accumulation of gas in the stomach.

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