MEC 2023: indigenous and quilombola students will win a BRL 1,400 scholarship

According to the Ordinance of the Ministry of Education (MEC) published in the Official Gazette (DOU) last Wednesday, the 10th, the Permanence Scholarship Program (PBP) will benefit, later this year, a total of up to 10,000 indigenous and quilombola students who are enrolled in federal educational institutions higher.

The program aims to provide financial support to students, ensuring that they are able to dedicate themselves to their studies and remain at university. Ordinance No. 9, published by the Ministry of Education (MEC), authorizes the availability of 2,278 new scholarships for indigenous and quilombola students who are already enrolled in the Bolsa Permanência Program (PBP).

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MEC readjusts the PBP scholarship and opens new registrations

In addition to the novelty, the PBP also opens a new registration period for indigenous and quilombola students. that are in federal institutions of higher education, which will be available from the 3rd to the 30th of June. It is part of MEC's ​​plans to expand the offer of scholarships for next year.

On April 28, a meeting was held at the Ministry of Education (MEC) with the presence of the heads of the Higher Education Secretariat (Sesu), the Secretariat for Continuing Education, Literacy, Diversity and Inclusion (Secadi) and the president of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes).

This meeting, therefore, generated agreements for the publication of Ordinance No. 9, the Federal Government's commitment to the indigenous representatives who participated in the Terra Livre Camp in Brasilia, measures were adopted that authorize the offer of new scholarships and the opening of registrations for the Bolsa Permanência Program (PBP).

This, too, is the result of the Federal Government's commitment to the representatives of the indigenous peoples who participated in the 'Acampamento Terra Livre Brasil', in Brasília. The value of the grant was readjusted to R$1,400, the first time it has received such an increase since the creation of the Program in 2013.

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