Japanese government assumes romantic role in order to encourage births

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The Japanese government helps match couples through technology. In the northeast of the country, residents use an AI matchmaking service to facilitate data. In the southwest, the government has made available a system based on big data. In the south, the method used is the exchange of handwritten letters. See below for more details on this initiative.

Japan's falling birth rate has spurred the government to take action

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The subject of romantic relationships has become serious throughout Japan. There are public and private singles parties to encourage young people to build a family.

But why was this initiative included?

All these programs started to increase the birth rate in the country. According to the prime minister, Fumio Kishida, the country is on the verge of dysfunction, falling towards the insolvency of pension and health systems, rising national debt and decline. economic.

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Research reveals that the Japanese population ages faster when compared to other post-industrial nations in the world. The birth rate in the country began to fall in the 1970s.

The current value is 1.3. That number is far below replacement level.

After all, are people interested in marriage?

Studies show that about a fifth of men and 15% of women are not interested in getting married, these figures are the highest since 1982.

In order to reverse this scenario, the new Japan Children and Families Agency will deploy “marriage support concierges” in each of the country's 47 prefectures.

Are there more specific reasons to justify this drop?

Many experts have revealed that the Japanese culture of encouraging men to work and women to stay at home has been a contributing factor in the falling birth rate.

This is because women, with all their household chores, end up becoming discouraged from having two or more children. In addition, many government programs end up benefiting the elite more, disfavoring the vast majority of the population.


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