Myths About Introverts You Probably Didn't Know

You introverts prefer to spend most of their time alone rather than being in large groups. Therefore, it is difficult to understand them if you are not one of them. Many think that this attitude occurs because they feel superior or out of ill will. However, in this article you will read some myths about introverts. See more!

Know who introverts are

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Introverts are those people who have a greater preference for being alone. That is, they end up having a greater disposition for activities that do not involve much social interaction. They prefer to spend their free time in activities such as reading, studying and writing.

Also, they can feel anxious and stressed with a lot of social interaction. They are also known to be good listeners as they pay more attention to what other people are saying. However, it's common to get carried away by stereotypes when you come across something you don't know. So it's important to recognize that they just socialize differently than you do.

Myths about introverts

There are some myths about introverts that most people don't know about. See now which are the main ones!

“They are shy”

This is a very common mistake. Most people confuse introversion with shyness. However, despite appearing to be similar, introversion and shyness are totally different personality traits. Therefore, the person who is shy feels anxiety at the idea of ​​interacting with others. Introverts, on the other hand, do not want to attract attention, as they find it exhausting and unnecessary. That is, a person can be shy being extroverted or introverted.

“They are very snobbish”

People think that introverts are snobbish as they don't like to leave the house or talk all day. However, this is not true, introverts like to be alone as interacting with other people is a tiring task for them. In contrast, snobs ignore people because they think they are too good for them. Therefore, they choose not to talk to people, whether because of their class, race or money. So, don't confuse introversion with snobbery.

“They are like that because they are traumatized”

It's a mistake to think that people are introverted because of some past trauma. In fact, it's easier for people to seek to mask their wounds by acting extroverted. So introverts are no more or less traumatized than extroverts. They just socialize differently.

“Cannot be good leaders”

The purpose of a good leader is to guide, and anyone can be very good at that, introverted or not. Even the best leaders in our world are introverts. Since bill Gates, Barack Obama to Abraham Lincoln. They spend a lot of time observing before committing to a course of action. However, in fact, introverts and extroverts can, yes, have a slightly different leadership, but equally good.

‘Introverts don’t know how to have fun’

It's easy for an extrovert to think that introverts don't know how to enjoy life, let alone have fun. However, this is a myth! Of course they can, it's just that their idea of ​​fun is a little different. Generally, for an extrovert, fun involves doing things with other people, like going to clubs and parties. However, for introverts, fun is being able to do something alone, like reading books, playing games and writing something. So they just like different things, but they also have fun, in their own way.

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