See how to avoid the blockage of the gas voucher

With the growth of inflation, several essential products in the home of Brazilians had a large price increase. Among them, the gas cylinder is one of the ones that weighs most on workers' pockets. Because of this, some benefits provided by the Federal Government can help to reduce the impact of the price of these products. However, you need to be careful, as some mistakes can block the gas voucher.

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How does the benefit work?

On the 14th, the Federal Government began payments of the gas voucher for April in the amount of R$51. Implemented since January 2022, the benefit offers the withdrawal of money every two months. With this, it intends to help low-income families pay for part of the cooking gas, as the price has increased significantly during the pandemic.

Soon, more than 5 million families received the benefit of the gas voucher, a number still considered low. However, even so, many of them ended up losing the right to receive the amounts. In these cases, the blockage may have happened for different reasons, which raised even more doubts among the beneficiaries, since the federal government did not explain the reason for so many exclusions.

Why did some people lose the benefit?

In most cases, according to the Ministry of Citizenship, citizens lost the benefit due to a inconsistency of data in CadÚnico, a Federal Government list that registers vulnerable people Social. It is precisely from this information that they make selections for benefits.

Therefore, it is essential to always keep the information registered, especially when there is a structural change in the family, such as the birth of a new child. If this is not done, the recorded data will be inconsistent or will clash, requiring the State to block the resource.

For this, it is important to be aware of the requirements of CadÚnico. Verifying your information and adding new data every two years may be enough to prevent a benefit lockout. Also, it is always important to keep them in line with other programs, such as Auxílio Brasil.

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