Will the government pay 'extra' salary allowance for Pis/Pasep in June?

The salary allowance Pis/Pasep it is one of the extra amounts paid to Brazilian workers who receive up to two minimum wages per month. That is, all citizens who act as public servants or CLT employees can access an extra payment in the year if they are within the rules.

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However, there are amounts that were not paid correctly in the past and that must be replaced by the authorities. Therefore, the Ministry of Labor and Employment released a batch of retroactive allowance in April. Those who suffered from failures in the Dataprev government system were awarded.

Retroactive PIS allowance in June; see if it can happen?

In a new assessment of cases, the government realized that millions of workers were not on the payroll list, even though they were entitled to receive retroactive payment. Therefore, they were included so that they receive the money late.

It is worth mentioning that the current payments of the salary bonus in 2023 began on February 15th and should extend until the next July 17th. Deposits were divided into batches based on each beneficiary's date of birth.

Regarding the retroactive ones, only workers who were born between January and June received the money on April 17. The others must wait for the new dates for the money to be deposited in the account.

Number of beneficiaries increased

Initially, 23 million workers were supposed to receive the retroactive Pis, however this number increased considerably. Today, 25 million people are on the list, and even more could join in the future.

For now, it remains to await the new positions of the federal government on the subject.

Pis 2023 allowance: how much do you pay?

The 2023 payments take into account the months worked in 2021. All public or private sector employees are eligible if they meet the following criteria:

  • Have worked for at least one month with a registered portfolio;
  • Have received, on average, up to two minimum wages per month;
  • Employers must declare the correct data for the Annual Social Information Report (RAIS);
  • Be enrolled in Pis/Pasep for at least 5 years.

The deposit is made directly into the worker's account, but you can consult it through the Caixa Tem application.

The next payments will be made on June 15th and July 17th. Values ​​vary between R$ 110 and R$ 1,320.00.

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