Young man receives threats from guests after disclosing wedding menu

When a couple decides to get married and then make the relationship official, one of the topics to be discussed is the wedding party. Both need to come to an agreement and decide how it will be and what they will offer their guests to eat.

Not long ago, a young woman exposed what would be to eat in her ceremony and the menu of the marriage was the subject of controversy among the guests.

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Wedding menu causes controversy among guests

After the bride announced her wedding menu, several guests, including family members, judged her choice and even threatened not to attend the event.

This episode was exposed on Reddit, but the woman did not want to be identified. She says that she chose, along with her husband, to only serve water at her wedding reception. This decision was made because both do not drink soda or any type of alcoholic beverage.

After all, was that the only reason for the decision?

In the report, she says that many people are calling her a “cow hand”, but that is not the case. She added by saying that the wedding was entirely set up for good choices when it came to food.

However, regarding drinks, it has already been decided that it will only be water.

The woman and her husband are not willing to pay very high prices for alcohol and soda. For her, this will just be an extra expense and both can provide filtered water for a much lower price.

What did the guests say?

She reports that the criticisms were huge, and came mainly from some mothers. They all said that the bride could at least put soft drinks at the party, as the children will be upset if there is only water.

What were the opinions of netizens on Reddit?

The vast majority agreed with the guests and said that the bride and groom want, yes, to save money. In addition, they judged the couple's decision as ugly. One of the netizens explained that it's okay to save money, but not to blame it on other factors.

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