Rising from the ashes: 5 ways to get over a breakup

Nothing like that overwhelming feeling to catch someone by surprise, right? Love can be amazing, but it can also be hard to handle.

Sometimes we fall in love with someone who is not available to us or who has hurt us in the past, or we simply understand that it is not meant to be. But feelings do not listen to us, they have a mind of their own. And now?

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How to get over someone we love or like a lot? If you're looking for help on this journey, you're in the right place.

After all, who hasn't been in this situation before and it took a long time to get over an ex? So let's share with you some of the things that might make your journey easier.

Check it out below!

1. accept the situation

If you're looking for tips on losing feelings for someone, the first thing to do is face the situation head on. It's important that you look at the facts and ask some questions: what actually happened?

Ask yourself: What was your feeling about the person? And what did her look like for you? Analyzing her actions can also help you understand how she feels. We know well that this can be difficult, especially if you are an optimistic person.

You have to look at the facts more realistically, not just the good stuff. Holding on to feelings can be a trap, so remember that it's important to snap out of it and move on. With calm and patience, I'm sure you'll be able to overcome this phase!

2. Analyze what could be your real needs from this relationship

When we're in a relationship, it's normal to find out what our needs are and what might end up getting in the way of things.

Sometimes things don't work out as expected and we need to look inside ourselves to understand what's going on.

It's important to understand what makes us happy and look for someone who is aligned with our needs. After all, love is a two-way street and both must be willing to make concessions for the relationship to go well.

3. look to the future

Have you ever stopped to think how much time we spend thinking about the past or other things we are not doing right now? Well, it seems like about half of our time is spent like this.

And look, most of these thoughts are turned to the past, in difficult times like a breakup, for example.

But if what you want is to move on and get over someone, then you need to start training your mind to think about the future.

4. Prioritize other relationships

Sometimes, when we can't be close to the person we love, it feels like a little piece of our heart is left empty. That space we expected to be filled by her is there, empty.

But do you know what helped me? A very dear friend who saw me in this difficult situation and knew I needed help. He arranged a few outings with mutual friends that I felt comfortable with, even if they didn't know exactly what I was going through.

But really, just going out and starting to build new relationships, even friendships, helped me a lot.

5. Spend time taking care of yourself

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe you need to take care of yourself a little more? I know the tips above are great for personal growth and development, but don't forget to take time out for yourself and practice regular self-care.

After all, why should we treat self-care as an “emergency service” only when we are on the verge of physical and emotional exhaustion? We all deserve to take care of ourselves and we don't have to wait until the limit to do so.

Regardless of what is going on in our lives, we need to be at our best to deal with the ups and downs. So, pamper yourself, take time to relax, renew yourself and practice activities that make you happy.

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