The difference between phrase and proposition. The difference between sentence and proposition

Osserva sotto le differenze of meaning of phrase and proposition. Vedi attraverso lo sguardo della linguistica. / Note the differences in meaning between sentence and proposition below. See through the eyes of Linguistics.

Secondo Dardano & Trifone alla “Italian Grammatica con nozioni di linguistica”, proposition is: “ogni segment of a sentence fornito di a predicato”, and the phrase sono: “of it unità di a compiuto sense”. / According to Dardano & Trifone, in “Grammatica Italiana con nozioni di linguistica”, the proposition is: 'every sentence segment endowed with a predicate', and the sentences are 'complete sense units'.

Interesting to find the southern floor and see the meaning of the proposal and keep it together. I saw it immediately. / It is also interesting to go to the dictionary and see the meaning of the word proposition and observe what it indicates. See below:

Southern Online Dictionary La proposizione means: “Espressione di un pensiero compiuto, costituta of the soggetto and predicato, con l'aggiunta di eventuali complementi”, and the phrase means: “Insieme di parole che cotituscono un'unità linguistica indipendente e endota di sensu compound:

f. interrogative; one f. ceremonious, di circostanza; non gli lasciò finire la f./ In the Dizionario Online of the website ‘La’, proposition means: ‘expression of a complete thought, constituted by subject and predicate with the placement of possible complements’, and phrase means ‘set of words that constitute an independent linguistic unit endowed with sense complete: interrogative sentence; a ceremonial phrase, of circumstance; didn't let him finish the sentence’.

A classic example that is possible to dare per capire cos’è just a proposition is when it is parla sulle propositional coordinate and subordinate. Guard sotto la puntata! / A classic example that can be given to understand what exactly a proposition is is when talking about coordinated and subordinate propositions. See the tip below!

Puntata! / Tip!

Per vedere argomenti rispetto alle phrase complesse, accedi al site i testi following: "La subordinazione delle frasi”, “Le phrase coordinate”. / To see issues related to complex sentences, access the following texts on the website: “La subordinazione delle frasi”, “Le frasi coordinate”.

If it is conclusive of leggere and capire, it is significant, the sentence is composed of a proposition, and the chiamiamo of semplice phrase, and the proposition is an insieme of the phrase, the chiamiamo of the complete phrase, possessing così diversi complementi and predicate Vedi alcuni esempi. / It can be concluded, after reading and understanding the different meanings, that the sentence is composed of only one proposition, and we call it a simple sentence; and the proposition is a set of sentences, and we call it a complex sentence, thus having several complements and predicates. See some examples:

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Esco con Giulia and Lucca stasera. / I'm going out with Giulia and Lucca tonight. (Simplice phrase).

2) When Giulia andò al mare she trovò Anna, which le raccontò che cosa was success due to settimane makes her figlia her. / When Giulia went to the beach she had met Anna, who had told her what had happened two weeks ago with her daughter. (Complete sentence).

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Source: Brazil School -

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