One of man's greatest ambitions when it comes to outer space, the journey to Mars, is closer to happening than ever before. Recently, the NASA announced that it intends to make it possible for the arrival to the red planet to happen in an incredible 45 days. With this, a new milestone in human technology will be established. Now, follow how the company intends to put this into practice.
Mars 45 days away
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Ryan Gosse, researcher at Florida Applied Research in Engineering (FLARE), presented a project of an ultra technological rocket that will accelerate the arrival to Mars. Basically, it is a nuclear rocket with equipment that offers safety to humans. If all goes well, the trip to Mars could be completed in less than two months, landing there in just 45 days. However, the project is still in its early stages, as it is about to enter the first phase of development.
According to Ryan, approximately US$ 12,500.00 is a comfortable amount to start the development of the project's technologies. That is, the more resources released to evolve energy systems, sensors and the like, the better. With that, all the rocket's systems will be perfected to guarantee a fast and safe trip.
current time
Well, with the technologies available today, the normal travel time is a long nine months. With the success of the project, travel time would be reduced by an incredible 225 days, or seven and a half months. In addition, the safety of the trip would be much greater, facilitating the collection of information from the red planet.
martian missions
However, this project was not the only one developed with the objective of exploring Mars. In June 2003, the Mars Exploration Rovers mission came up with the proposal to send technologically advanced vehicles (rovers) that could walk on Mars. The objective of this mission was to find traces about the possible existence of water on Mars.
In addition to it, other older missions were put into action. Examples are: Marsnik 1 (1960), Zond 3 (1965), Viking 1 (1975), Mars Odyssey (2001) and Perseverance (2021). This being the most structured mission ever seen, whose objective is to verify the possibility of flight in the Martian skies. Through this, if there are positive results, we will start sending flying devices to Mars instead of terrestrial ones.