New astronomical discovery: 400 black holes enter the crosshairs of astronomers

It's impossible not to remember Black Hole when we talk about NASA, outer space and the like. Although we don't have many visual correspondences, we get a lot of information thanks to studies carried out over the years. Even a recently discovered one has stirred up the astronomical world, as the number of black holes is quite expressive. Check out more information about her now.

The 400 black holes

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NASA's Chandra observatory was responsible for the stupendous discovery of an incredible 400 black holes. You astronomers responsible for the feat found the star eaters "hidden" under cocoons of space dust.

Possessing about millions and almost billions of times the mass of the Sun, black holes have attracted the attention of astronomers. Due to the studies obtained, it is common practice that most galaxies have black holes, however, not all of them absorb radiation. That is, although a galaxy has many black holes, some of them will be submerged in gas and dust.

According to astrophysicist Dong-Woo Kim, not much information is available about the various black holes found. Consequently, discoveries like this are necessary for us to obtain more information about them.

Over decades of collecting data, it was possible to observe galaxies with an intense glow in X-rays, called XBONGs, through optical light signals. With that, attention was completely turned to them and it became necessary to study them through a catalog containing more than 300,000 elements with their characteristics.

The catalog is even full of captures from the Chandra observatory. Through this, astronomers found about 820 XBONGs at a distance of 550 million to 7.8 billion light years from our planet. Incidentally, this was the largest set ever found so far.

Anyway, exploring space is one of the great obsessions of human beings, as this seems to be the best way to understand our origin. Furthermore, studying celestial bodies, even if they are light years away from us, helps us to understand the complexity of the world in which we live. Even when discoveries like this happen, it is of immense value to those looking for answers, as they are the reward of all the hard work done over the years.

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