3-year-old Brazilian girl has high IQ and becomes the youngest to join Mensa

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Mensa Internacional is an institution responsible for organizing high intelligence quotients (IQ) worldwide. During the second half of 2022, the representative of this association in Brazil identified a child in Amapá with superintelligence.

Athena Macário Silveira was submitted, when she was 2 and a half years old, to tests recognized by the Federal Council of Psychology. Approval in the association was made official recently, being the youngest girl in the country to join the institution.

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Athena Macário Silveira the youngest child to join Mensa Brasil. Photo: Personal archive

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Mapping of intellectually more developed people has advanced in Brazil

With confirmation of superintelligence, Athena joined a restricted group of young people classified by the Brazilian organization. This group comprises 297 children from all regions of the country, with the state of São Paulo having the largest number of members (109).

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Soon after, the states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, respectively, have 37 and 32 members of this association. Mensa has carried out periodic tests in order to expand the screening of new geniuses throughout the national territory.

On November 26, the most recent test took place, covering 19 municipalities in the country. Participants must be 17 years of age or older, and must be in or have completed higher education. The test is carried out simultaneously. For those under the age of 16, Mensa prefers to evaluate through official intelligence test reports.

Child with superintelligence

Athena's case may sound incredibly extraordinary, but it is not isolated. For this reason, the main objective of the entity is to identify people with great intellectual gifts. According to the president of Mensa Brasil, Rodrigo Sauaia, the country still has many hidden intellectual talents that need to be found.

As Brazil is one of the largest populations on the planet, it should be considered that at least 2% of the inhabitants may have an above-average IQ. And mapping these people provides them with an intellectually and socially stimulating environment in which to develop their talents.

This is only possible due to the appearance of the international Mensa, which was founded in 1946, in UK. Mensa works around the world as institutions that aim to promote intelligence as a tool for the development and evolution of humanity.

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