Astrology: Discover the colors that reflect the personality of each sign

That each sign has a different personality you already know. After all, there is no shortage of content on the internet with memes and jokes about how Cancerians are whiny and Capricorns are miserly, among other jokes.

However, did you know that each constellation also has a ideal color? Yes, that's right! However, this has an explanation that goes a little further than what is written in the stars.

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Colors directly impact our unconscious, awakening certain feelings, desires or shortcomings. Couple that with each sign's personality and aura, and undertones can be powerful enhancers.

Know now the ideal color for your sign in order to enhance your personality. In the list below you will also find the exact identification of each tone so that you can search accordingly. Let's go?

What is the ideal color for each sign?

Aries: Red Candy Apple (Code: #FF0800)

This shade of red is carnal, primal and awakens the warrior side of Aries. Color also pulsates desire and refers to the flames that live in the heart of everyone who is born with this strong sign in the Astral Map.

Taurus: Green British Racing (Code: #05480D)

Literally translated, this color is called “British racing green”. There's nothing more luxurious and elegant than that, right? It's a perfect match for this sign. In addition, it refers to the heart chakra, so important for Taureans.

Gemini: Deep Saffron Orange (Code: #FF9932)

Geminis need a vibrant color that sparks their creativity. And, more than that, a dubious tone, which is between orange and yellow, just like those born under this constellation – they are always in two places at the same time and stand out well in both positions. In addition, there is still a “seasoning”.

Cancer: Cyan Blue (Code: #14A3C7)

being one of more sentimental signs of the zodiac, Cancer deserved a color like Cyan Blue: dreamy, light, delicate. This tone perfectly captures the nostalgic, light and – who knows – familiar vibe of crabs.

Cancerian, I bet that's the color of the sky in that family photo of you, and it's also the color of the T-shirt you wore to the 1997 school party.

Lion: Canary Yellow (Code: #FFDF01)

Leos need a very flashy color, don't they? In addition to being a great highlight, it is a color that brings warmth capable of bringing anything or anyone to life. It's a shade that shines – just like Leo people.

Virgo: Rose Candlelight Peach (Code: #F8A39D)

Virgo is the zodiac sign that is most associated with purity, organization, well-being and cleanliness. This shade of pink is ideal for representing the constellation.

Imagine this color in a bouquet of fresh flowers, in scented candles, in a clean, freshly ironed pillowcase. Screams the sign of Virgo, doesn't it?

Libra: Rose Piano (Code: #F62681)

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty (…) and lust. Therefore, this shade of pink is ideal for them. The brightness and boldness that this color conveys can be applied with ease in the personality of Libra: from choosing stylish clothes to decorations with extreme good taste. Get it, it's chic and bold at the same time.

Scorpio: Red Oxblood (Code: #800020)

“Oxblood”, in free translation, is “ox blood” – an ingredient used for many, many years to dye fabrics, ceramics and leather. It might sound gross, but it's bold, intense, and a little bit morbid. Just like Scorpios.

Are you going to say that you can't imagine someone of that sign wearing lipstick or a shirt with that tone?

Sagittarius: Purple Electric Indigo (Code: #6600FF)

Sagittarius is a sign of the world: bright, intense, electric. Nothing better than an intense purple tone, reminiscent of the neon of the ballads and the airports they love so much. It is a color that awakens the eye, draws attention and brings energy. Everything a Sagittarius needs.

Capricorn: Gray Charcoal Plum (Code: #6A6A6F)

Capricorns are very sober and serious. Therefore, a shade of gray like Charcoal Plus may be ideal. At first glance, they are solid, mysterious and distant, like black.

But when you take a closer look, you can see that there's a bit of white lightness. That way, they get even a little more inviting.

Aquarius: Green Mint Tulip (Code: #C4F4EB)

Different, Aquarians are like the Green Mint Tulip. They look blue, but they are another color. They have an extra “spice”, they bring refreshment, light and intellectual stimulation.

It is a tone that can be found in waters that have spent some time on land and then return to their natural environment. Just like those who are Aquarius, who seek to take with them a little bit of everywhere they go.

Pisces: Purple Lusty Lavender (Code: #8D5EB7)

Pisceans are like the chorus of one of the singer's songs Taylor Swift: “I just want to stay in this lavender haze”. That is, they want to stay in the field of ideas, imagination and romance.

Therefore, Purple Lusty Lavender is the ideal color for them. It refers to dreams, beauty and deep connections.

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