Raphael West Cilento, Sir

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Medical administrator born in Jamestown, South Australia, specialist in public health. Graduated BS and MS in medicine at the University of Adelaide and specialized in tropical medicine at the London School of Tropical Medicine. Served with the Australian Naval and Military Forces, New Guinea (1915-1919), as Federated Medical Officer Malay States (1920-1921) and appointed Medical Officer for Tropical Hygiene, Commonwealth Department of Health (1921).

 He became (1922) director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Medicine at Townsville, Queensland, and director of public health and quarantine in New Guinea (1924-1928). He was Director General of Health and Medical Services, Queensland (1934-1945) and Professor of Social and Tropical Medicine at the University of Queensland. Knight (1935) and Honorary Professor of Social and Tropical Medicine, University of Queensland (1937-1945).

After World War II, he worked in political positions for war victims in Germany and New York (1946-1951). He returned to Australia (1951) where he returned to the practice of medicine and writing articles for magazines and newspapers. President of the Medical Board of Queensland (1939-45), he was also president of the Historical Society of Queensland several times, the city where he died.

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Source: http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br

Order R - Biography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biografia/raphael-west.htm

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