5 signs you're living with imposter syndrome

Mental illness has been one of the most worrying problems of this century. They can affect your personal and professional life in many ways. One of these is the impostor syndrome, which is associated with emotions negative, like feeling incapable, for example. Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with imposter syndrome and its symptoms.

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What is imposter syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is a psychological disorder that, although not classified as a psychiatric disorder, has been extensively researched. The symptoms that appear are often the same as those seen in other disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

In this psychological manifestation, there has always been a vicious circle of self-sabotage and self-deprecation. These behaviors are common among perfectionists, who often set high standards for themselves and become frustrated with their performance when they fail to meet them.

Signs and symptoms to look out for

People with imposter syndrome often exhibit a compilation (not necessarily all) of the following behaviors, so be aware and seek treatment if needed.

Feel like you have to work hard all the time

People with imposter syndrome believe that they have to work harder than others to justify their achievements. Perfectionism and overwork are used to help justify performance, but this can lead to a lot of anxiety and burnout.


These people also believe that failure is inevitable and that anyone will betray you at any time. So, without even realizing it, you might prefer to try less hard and avoid wasting your energy on things you don't think will work.

postpone tasks

These individuals are always looking for an excuse to postpone what needs to be done or leave an important obligation to the last minute (delaying, procrastinating). It is also common to take longer to finish these appointments.

Fear of exposing yourself

It is very normal for people with this syndrome to avoid those moments when they might be judged in some way. Tasks and careers are often chosen to avoid having them evaluated or criticized.

want to please everyone

This person tries to make a good impression, seeks charisma and has a need for approval from others around them in every moment, as a way of trying to get recognition, by which you can even put yourself in a situation humiliating.

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