How to use lemon and salt to remove stains from white clothes?

There's nothing worse than getting a favorite item of clothing stained, right? Especially when she's white. When this happens, it's common to invest in various chemicals and complicated internet recipes to remove dirt. However, in most cases, the situation only gets worse.

With that in mind, we've prepared a super effective step-by-step how to use lemon and salt to remove stains from white clothes.

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How does the mix work?

Basically, the lemon and salt solution can remove almost any type of stain and dirt from clothes, even if it takes more than one wash. Even those oldest and most persistent stains can be eliminated, bringing life and shine back to your favorite pieces.


To remove stains you will need very few ingredients, they are:

  • One lemon (preferably Tahiti);
  • common kitchen salt;
  • Water.

How to apply the mix

With the ingredients in hand, just follow a very simple step by step to ensure that they are clean again. In that case, first of all, you should pour the lemon juice directly onto the stained area. Then throw the kitchen salt all over the surface where you applied the fruit juice.

Now, you will have to rub the pieces, but always with great delicacy to prevent it from spoiling. If you feel that the stain is persistent, you can apply a little more Tahiti lemon. Then hang out the clothes in the bright sun and wait until the clothes are completely dry.

After this process, you should take the piece to the washing machine and put it back on. If you followed the step by step correctly, your white clothes should be without any trace of the stains. If it is not the way you prefer, it is possible to carry out the process again, but always with great care so that the lemon and salt do not spoil.

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