Association points to a deficit of 20,000 employees at Caixa Econômica

Although there are 500 approved in the Caixa Econômica Federal awaiting the summons, an alert from the National Federation of Caixa Personnel Associations (Fenae) points to a much greater deficit of employees at the institution.

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According to Fenae, the necessary number of employees to regularize the situation is around 20 thousand, as bank employees end up being overloaded with a number of calls greater than the recommended.

In the period from 2015 to 2020, Caixa lost 14,866 jobs, according to information from Dieese. And on the other hand, the number of customers served at the branches increased by 65%, which is clearly causing a deficit. The average attendance per server reaches 1,775, when before it was 1,070.

According to Clotário Cardoso, who is Coordinator of the Employees Executive Committee and Director of Administration and Finances at Fenae, the drastic reduction in the number of civil servants is going against the increase in assistance to customers. "This causes overcrowding in agencies, work overload and employee illness, even harming the service to the population", he explained.

About a year ago, the Secretariat for Coordination and Governance of State-owned Companies (Sest) published an ordinance, in which the Ministry of Economy authorized an increase in Caixa's staff. The text granted an increase of 3,000 approved employees, going from 84,544 to 87,544.

"Caixa should, at the very least, complete the authorized staff [87,544 employees] and replace the shutdowns that occurred", said the president of Fenae, Sergio Takemoto.

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