Come presentarsi and presentare qualcuno?

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Ogni returns to you domandi: How can I presentarmi a qualcuno o Come presentare qualcuno ad altra persona in Italian? È lo stesso che in brasiliano? / Sometimes you ask yourself: How can I introduce myself to someone or how can I introduce someone to someone else in Italian? Is it the same thing in Portuguese?

Vedi due mini dialoghi informali: / See two informal mini-dialogues:


March: Buona sera, Isabella. Quest for sleep Giulia and Marina.

Isabella: Ciao, piacere! Io sleep Isabella. Siete brasiliane?

Giulia: Io sono brasiliana, law is argentina.


Stella: Ciao, question is Marco.

paolo: Piacere Marco, io sleep Paolo. Do I know American?

March: Yes, and you?

paolo: Italian sleep.

Osserva che nei due dialoghi abbiamo use the verb 'ESSE' coniugato al present and always the second persona del singolare 'TU' for identifying the informal and all-Italian discourse. / Note that in the dialogues we use the verb ‘ESSERE’ conjugated in the present tense and always the second person singular ‘TU’ to identify informal speech in Italian.

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See the verb essere to the present indicative: / See the verb essere to the present indicative:

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Vedi due mini dialoghi formali: / See two formal mini-dialogues:


Seg. Rossini: Buongiorno, mi chiamo Signor Rossiniand voglio parlare con Signora Alberti. Ho una Rionione con Law.

Sig.ra Mastrangelo: A moment now Theresqueak. Si accomodi, please.

Seg. Rossini: Grazie.

Sig.ra Mastrangelo: Di niente.

2 Bruni: Save, Signor Muratore. Questo é il nuovo Manager della ditta.

Seg. Murator: Molto lieto in conoscerThere.

Manager: Il piacere is mio, Signor Bruni.

The Italian language is important to address the persona of the discourse ‘LAW’ which indicates anche formalità always appears written in lettera maiuscola, serves for the maschile and for the femminile. / Note that in Italian it is important to say that the person in the speech ‘LAW’, which also indicates formality, always appears written in capital letters, serves for the masculine and feminine.

Osserva alcuni marchi d’informalità e di formalità:

Marchi d’informalità

Marchi di formalita

  • Conjugated verbs in the second person singular ‘TU’;
  • Presence of the word 'Ciao' which means 'Hi' and 'Bye'.
  • Conjugated verbs in the third person singular ‘LAW’;
  • Presence of treatment pronouns;

Sign up: / Observation: The pronoun 'law', which appears in the first dialog, means 'she'. The pronoun 'Lei', on the other hand, which appears in the last two dialogues, refers to the courtesy pronoun that in Portuguese we identify it as: sir/madam.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -
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