You can find out who unfollowed you on Instagram through these apps

Have you ever faced the situation of seeing your number of followers on Instagram drop, but not knowing who these people are who stopped following you? So check out the main ones here apps to see who unfollowed you on instagram, and get the result of your question quickly and conveniently!

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The best apps to see who unfollowed you

Since Instagram does not have a mechanism that makes it possible to record and notify people who have unfollowed you, the option is to resort to apps. Luckily for us, more and more new applications are emerging willing to do this job with quality and security, all at an affordable price.

In the case of the following applications, it is necessary to access your Instagram account through the application itself. But don't worry, these apps have good user reviews and ratings, so they are said to be safe. See which are the best here:

Followers & Unfollowers

This is one of the best options to check who started and unfollowed you. In this case, using the app requires paying a fee of BRL 21.99, and the app manages to fulfill what it promises. After all, through it you can access complete engagement metrics, including who unfollowed you.

Analyzer Plus

Another option that draws a lot of attention from users, especially due to the price issue, is Analyzer Plus. This app demands the payment of fees from R$ 7.90 per use. As with Followers & Unfollowers, Analyzer Plus also has a series of information about the receptivity of Instagram users in their profile.

Reports: Followers Tracker

Reports: Followers Tracker has more emphasis on finding out who actually unfollowed you. It even has a free version, with which you can analyze the followers you lost for 24 hours. But if you want to have a more constant follow-up, choose the paid option with a fee of R$ 19.90 per month.

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