The most famous Japanese dishes

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Agenome (Means fried foods)

Karaage: Fried meats with a Japanese character, especially chicken with soy sauce.
Korokke (croquette): mashed potato and creamy vegetables with a seafood filling.

Kushiage: Meat fried on a skewer.

Tempura: chopped vegetables, seafood and fried meat.

Tonkatsu: Fried pork rib.

Donburi: bowl of cooked rice with seasoned toppings.

Oyakodon: chicken and egg.

Gyudon: seasoned beef.
Yakimono (grilled)

Gyoza: dumplings with pork filling.

Kushiyaki: meat and vegetable skewers.

Okonomiyaki: battered fried cakes with tasty toppings.

Omu-raisu: rice omelet.

Omu-soba: omelet with yakisoba.

Takoyaki: spiral dumpling passed in batter (a dough with a soft consistency used to wrap certain foods and then fry them)
and fried with octopus stuffing.

Teriyaki: Meat of fish, chicken or vegetables soaked in sweet soy sauce.

Unagi: flavored eel.

Yakiniku: plate meat.

Yakisoba: Japanese-style fried dough.

Yakitori: chicken skewers.
Nabemono (boiled)

Sukiyaki: mixture of pasta, minced beef, egg and vegetables.
Shabu-shabu: pasta with vegetables and shrimp or beef.

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Motsunabe: cow and vegetable entrails.

Nikujaga: cow stew.
Sashimi (raw meat or fish)

Fugu: Sliced ​​(poisonous) balloonfish.

Ikizukuri: Sashimi alive.

Tataki: tuna grilled on charcoal or raw, thinly cut.

Basashi: horse meat sashimi.

Rebasashi: raw veal liver.

Shikasashi: Venison sashimi.
Sushi (seasoned rice balls)

Chirashizushi: sushi in a bowl.

Inarizushi: tofu cone.

Makizushi: sushi wrapped in nori (dehydrated seaweed leaf) in a cylinder shape.

Nigirizushi: hand-shaped sushi.

Oshizushi: press molded sushi.

Narezushi: old-fashioned sushi, fish stuffed with salt.

Temakizushi: hand-rolled sushi, corresponds to a cone composed of a dry seaweed leaf filled with rice and other ingredients that can be eaten by hand.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School -
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