This past Thursday, the 2nd, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) will sign the Provisional Measure (MP) with the new rules for the social program Bolsa Familia. The event will take place at the Planalto Palace and was expected to start during the early hours of the morning. Bolsa Família requirements will be resumed, as well as larger families will have an increase. To learn more about this, be sure to read the full text.
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The additional BRL 150 per child up to 6 years of age was also promised during the campaign of the new rulers. However, it was not expected that another supplement would be effective, with R$50 added for each person between 7 and 18 years of age in the family.
Wellington Dias, Minister of Assistance and Social Development, said that another 32 social programs will be aimed at providing the Brazilian population with a better quality of life. The resources were granted upon approval of the PEC (Proposed Amendment to the Constitution) of the Transition.
R$ 145 billion was established above the spending ceiling, in which R$ 70 billion of these amounts will be turned to social programs.
Bolsa Família: original rules and new perspectives
The Federal Government is also proposing to update the Single Registry (CadÚnico) integrated with Suas (Unified Social Assistance System) to include those who are entitled and who are outside of the program, as well as aiming to remove from the payroll the possible irregularities of the program.
With the president's signature, Bolsa Família, formerly known as Auxílio Brasil, effectively returns to parameters established during Lula's first government in Brazil, which happened during the years 2000.
Children's school attendance and updated vaccination records will be required from program beneficiaries. Auxílio Brasil, a substitute project during the government of Jair Messias Bolsonaro, did not require rules regarding school attendance and up-to-date vaccination cards.
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