Il contrasto tra il Indicative and Congiuntive Mode and la correspondenza tra loro tempi

In question to testo vedrai that there is a contrast of use of the Modi: Indicative and Congiuntive, contrary to the correspondenza of the tempi verbali. Vedi i concetti di ogni Modo e i loro tempi. / In this text you will see that there is a contrast between the modes: Indicative and ‘Congiuntive’, through the correspondence of verb tenses. See the concepts of each mode and their times.

Meaning: / Meanings:

Congiuntive: / "Congiuntive":

* "Congiuntive mode, finite mode which expresses un’azione or uno stato no come reali ma come possibili, supposti, temuti, desiderati and che supplisce alle forme mancanti dell'imperativo." / ‘congiuntive’ mode, infinitive mode that expresses an action or a state, not as a reality, but as a possibility, supposition, fear, desire and that replaces the missing forms of the imperative.

Callsign: / Callsign:

* “Indicative mode, mode of the verb che enunciates un fatto reale come tale.”. / Indicative mode, mode of the verb that states a fact real as such.

* Definition taken from the Dizionario Italiano Sabatini – Coletti edits dalla Casa Editrice Giunti.

If I can assert this meaning, it differs from the use of the ogni mode, obviously one is l'opposto dell'altro. L'indicative comes way della certezza and dell'oggettività and il congiuntivo comes way dell'incertezza and soggettività. Vedi gli esempi per ogni time. / Based on the meaning, the differences in the use of each mode can be observed; obviously one is the opposite of the other. The indicative is the mode of certainty and objectivity; and the 'congiuntive', the mode of uncertainty and subjectivity. See the examples for each time.

Attention! / Heads up!

If it renders interesting, the Congiuntive mode is equivalent to the ‘Subjunctive’ mode alla lingua portoghese. / It is interesting to know that the 'Congiuntive' mode is equivalent to the Subjunctive mode in the Portuguese language.

Correspondence to: Conjunctive Present and Indicative Gift / Correspondence between: Subjunctive Present and Indicative Present

Esempi: / Examples:

1) My sembra che il dottore sia all’ufficio. / It looks to me like the doctor is in the office.

2) Il dottore è all’ufficio. / The doctor is in the office.

3) I think Anna parli English. / I think Anna speaks English.

4) Anna she stops English. / Anna speaks English.

Correspondence to: Congiuntive Pass and Passato Prossimo Indicative/ Correspondence between: Subjunctive Past Perfect and Indicative Past Perfect

Esempi: / Examples:

1) I think you sia stat kindly to the law. / I think you were kind to her.

2) I know kindly to the law. / You were kind to her.

3) My sembra che Giulia she abbia visa Paolo Ieri. / It seems to me that Giulia saw Paolo yesterday.

4) Giulia she has seen Paolo Ieri. / Giulia saw Paolo yesterday.

Correspondence to: Imperfetto Semplice Congiuntivo and Indicative imperfection/ Correspondence between: Subjunctive Imperfect and Indicative Imperfect Imperfect

Esempi: / Examples:

1) I think Carlo with us bene Rome. / I think Carlo knew Rome well.

2) Carlo meet us bene Rome. / Carlo knew Rome well.

3) I think Anna studiasse portoghese all’università. / I think Anna studied Portuguese at university.

4) Anna she studia portoghese all’università. / Anna was studying Portuguese at university.

Correspondence to: Congiuntive Transgression and Indicative Transparency/ Correspondence between: More-than-Perfect Subjunctive Compound and More-than-Perfect Indicative Compound

Esempi: / Examples:

1) I think persian vest l’aereo. / I think you missed the plane.

2) Ho saputo da Giulia che persian avevate l’aereo./ I heard from Giulia that you had missed your plane.

3) Credo Che Anna she averse payment tutti i count. / I believe Anna had paid all the bills.

4) Anna she aveva pagato tutti i count. / Anna had paid all the bills.

Se vuoi sapere altro sul Congiuntivo, vedi anche i testi: “Congiuntivo: Present”, “Congiuntivo: Passato”, “Congiuntivo: Imperfetto semplice” and “Congiuntivo: Trapassato”. / If you want to know more about ‘Congiuntivo’, see also the texts: “Congiuntive: Present”, “Congiuntive: Passato”, “Congiuntive: Imperfetto semplice" and "Congiuntive: Trapassato”.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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