4 plants that need little water to grow

If you want to avoid losing a few plants because you forgot to water them correctly, it's worth investing in species that don't need a lot of water to develop. There are plants – in addition to cacti – that can withstand long periods without water.

We have a good variety of greens that look like this, so if you want to know more about plants that need little water to grow, keep reading!

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  • elephant foot

It is a grandiose and beautiful plant, perfect for decorating gardens and entrances and, because it can be grown in pots, it also looks beautiful indoors.

Elephant's Paw is originally from Mexico, so in order to survive the plant has adapted to accumulate water at the base of its stem. Therefore, it does not need much watering, being enough to water it every 20 – 30 days.

This feature gave the name of the plant, as the dilation in the stem resembled an elephant's foot. Furthermore, according to Chinese philosophy, this plant attracts solidity and stability.

  • Sword of Ogun

This plant came from Africa and has beautiful leaves that grow vertically, they bring a great concept and beauty to your gardens or indoor areas.

The Espada grows both in environments with a lot of sun and indoors with very little sunlight. Regarding your watering, it should only happen when the earth is completely dry around the leaves.

This plant brings protection to environments and works as an energy "filter". In addition, it is famous for producing enough oxygen and purifying the air.

  • rubber tree

Ficus elastic is popularly called the Rubber Tree and is native to Tropical Asia. It is very used for decoration because it has beautiful large leaves and a caliber and branched trunk.

Despite liking environments with direct light, this plant hardly needs watering, and can go up to a month without receiving a drop of water – in winter.

  • cacti

This type of succulent is perfect for the forgetful: they hardly need water to grow and flourish. In addition, they are perfect for decorating indoor environments, in small vases and terrariums, as well as having variations that grow well and can decorate beautiful gardens.

Meet some:

  • Hedgehog Cactus;
  • Monk's Hood;
  • Thousand Colors;
  • Pincushion;
  • Friar's Head.

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