Careful! New scam using Brazil Aid; understand

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Apparently, there is a new type of scam involving social benefits from the federal government. Criminals are using a fake application with the name of Brazil Aid. In short, they use web pages with program data. The aim is to attract people who are looking for information about the benefits.

Read more: New scam applied to INSS insured persons: understand the proof of life scam

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In addition, criminals also managed to include eight fake applications with the name of Auxílio Brasil in the Play Store, created with the aim of stealing data from users of the benefit.

It is worth mentioning that this movement is not new in the national territory, since previously the same “tactic” was used to steal Emergency Aid data. According to the researcher at the Center for Technology and Society (CTS) at FGV Direito Rio, Erica Brito Bakonyi, “there needs to be a government campaign to help people and show the risks of cheats. Otherwise, data leaks and scams will continue.”

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In addition, according to Alessandro Magalhães, Cyber ​​Security manager at Mazars, “people need to have an analysis criticism of the permissions that apps require to release functions, such as access to personal photo albums, social networks, contacts. These are situations in which the person needs to stop to analyze”.

Finally, as pointed out by Caixa Econômica Federal, the beneficiary who already receives the aid does not need to download any kind of application, since the payment is made using the same Bolsa system Family. However, if you need to query through the application in other cases, the correct link is here.

Geographer and pseudo writer (or otherwise), I'm 23 years old, from Rio Grande do Sul, lover of the seventh art and everything that involves communication.

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