Why do we feel bad about being rejected?

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if you feel rejected it's something very difficult to face and felt in a very particular way by each person, but did you know that this feeling is a great signal from your brain? Therefore, the secret is not to avoid this feeling at all costs, but to learn to deal with it.

Did you know that rejection can be good for your brain?

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Although everyone knows what rejection is, it, like all other sensations, is felt in a very particular way. for each one and it's usually going to be quite painful no matter how many times you end up going through it.

Rejection in our lives can appear in many ways and at different times, whether it's because you couldn't a job, which you've worked really hard to get, whether it's when you're not romantically singled out.

The big question is that everyone will be rejected at some point in their lives, both in small and big things. Former Duke University psychology professor Leary focuses his research on social relationships and says:

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“If you have your antennae up, every day you will get some indication that someone has not valued you as much as you would like.”

Feeling bad about rejection shows that your brain is working as it should.

It is very important to stop viewing rejection as something that discourages people, as it can mean the exact opposite. As well as showing that your brain is working exactly as it should.

Throughout human history, the bad feeling that accompanies rejection has been extremely helpful. According to Leary, “throughout human evolution, being accepted and included in groups, having relationships with other people has been essential for our survival”.

In the past, rejection in a group or a partner had far greater consequences for humans than it does today. Because of this, our brain automatically interprets rejection as a threat to our survival.

Leary further states that “the reason why it continues to hurt is the same reason why we continue to feel pain when we step on a sharp object… negative emotions they are a warning that something may be harming your well-being.”

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