According to Aneel, the electricity tariff will increase by 5.6% in 2023.

It is expected that the electricity tariff suffer an increase of 5.6% from next year. The news derives from data presented by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), during a meeting with the Mines and Energy group. The group is part of the Lula government's transition team and the meeting took place this past Wednesday, the 23rd. Learn more throughout the article.

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Understand better about this increase in electricity rates in 2023

During the meeting with the Lula Government transition team, Aneel presented a report, in which it highlighted that the percentages readjustments depended on assumptions that could be modified until the ratification of the tariff processes became a reality.

The agency foresees that seven distributors will have readjustments of more than 10% next year, another 15 distributors will suffer with readjustments between 5 and 10%. Another 17 distributors will also suffer from readjustments between 0 and 5% and 13 distributors with readjustments below 0%.

Other meeting discussions

At the same meeting with the Mines and Energy group, matters such as the evolution of tariffs, the quality of service provided, the opening of the free market, issues related to the social tariff, universalization and customer satisfaction consumer.

“Aneel presented during Omeetingonepanorama of main questions under discussion in the electricity sector, relating to segments generation, transmission, distribution and commercialization, in addition to of thethemes that are currently in debate that deserve more attention from theteam of transition”, stressed the agency.

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