THESE are the most unpopular signs of the zodiac, according to astrologers

The priorities of these signs they are not about achieving popularity or making friends with everyone, since the essence of these natives is much more focused on their inner selves than on their external environment.

Keep reading to find out about most unpopular signs, or introverts, according to astrology.

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The most introverted zodiac signs


With regard to sociability, Aquarians are the most ambiguous: on the one hand, they like to be among several groups of people who are very different from each other.

However, on the other hand, despite being the type of person who “talks to everyone”, they also don't tend to fit into any specific group.

Aquarius natives also value their own individuality a lot, especially when it comes to follow society's rules and conventions, often becoming more isolated and eccentric.


Scorpios are well known for being more mysterious and reserved people than necessarily popular and sociable.

Thus, the native can even be extroverted, however, because they are very intense people with feelings and words, they end up being more suspicious of socializing with all the people within an environment.

In this way, they end up preferring to prioritize having few and good friends than being extremely popular with people.


Virgos tend to be very practical people who tend to focus more on keeping their routines impeccable and ensuring efficiency at work.

This is why they are not usually very popular in environments, since they will prefer to keep things organized than to chat with anyone.


Pisces natives place much more value on the inner world of their mind and spirituality.

Therefore, this sign is more likely to go unnoticed in environments because it appears to be distant from everything and everyone due to moments of constant introspection.


Cancerians, like Scorpio and Pisces, are ruled by the element of water. This brings more intensity and sensitivity to these signs, which for some people can be considered exaggeration or drama.

In this way, despite greater sensitivity and empathy for people, these signs will not always be able to get along with anyone in the environment. Thus, they become more introverted and reserved than extroverted and popular people.


With regard to Taureans, despite being calmer and more patient people, they are not always in the mood to make new friends.

These are people who, in turn, prefer comfort and luxury over venturing into new places with unknown people, tending to be more reserved and quiet than popular.

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