Do you believe you can locate the requested items in these three riddles?

Can you find the required objects in just half a minute?

1. feather challenge

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When faced with a seemingly ordinary illustration of a living room in a home, viewers can easily overlook the presence of a hidden feather. Discreetly camouflaged among household objects, it defies the less attentive eye.

visual challenge

the answer revealed

If, by any chance, you couldn't find the feather in that short time, don't worry. The answer is circled in the image below, showing you exactly where it is. Unravel the mystery and find out if your observation skills are really sharp.


2. watermelon challenge

If the feather challenge was too easy for you, how about trying other optical illusions? Try finding four juicy slices of seedless watermelon in a multi-variety fruit salad. visual challenge

1,2,3… answer

3. cow challenge

And finally, taking advantage of the atmosphere of visual challenges, challenge yourself to find the cow that stands out from the rest of the herd. This task requires a keen perception and a thorough analysis of details.

visual challenge


visual challenge

Wake up your brain, exercise your vision and have fun with these exciting visual challenge tests that promise to sharpen your observation skills!

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