This is the secret to avoiding the "death position" in your bedroom, according to Feng Shui

To ensure a good night's sleep and attract good energy to your space, one of the essential rules of the Feng Shui is to avoid the so-called position of death.

Protecting your bed, which is considered representative of who you are, from negative energies is an important practice in this approach. Fortunately, there are several ways to do this following Feng Shui guidelines.

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The practice of avoiding the death position in Feng Shui has its roots in the ancienttraditionChinese woman to line up deathbeds along the doorway. When looking for perfect bedroom layout, it is essential to start with bed placement.

Making sure this important piece of furniture is favorably positioned to receive positive energy flows is critical. Following this guidance, it is possible to create a harmonious environment conducive to well-being.

The bed needs to be in the correct position in your room.

Experts highlighted the importance of understanding what the dead position means to the energy in your home, as well as providing guidance on how to correct it.

According to Melissa Waite Stamps, a Feng Shui expert, it is essential to avoid having the bed facing the door, especially with the feet facing it.

Furthermore, some experts emphasize that the position of death in Feng Shui is not just limited to the feet pointed toward the door, but also includes any position where the head is facing the door. door.

This belief is rooted in the practice of many Asian countries, where the deceased are placed in this position during their ritualsfunerals.

Therefore, to ensure harmonious energy in your environment, it is recommended to avoid this configuration, either with your feet or head facing directly towards the door. According to the specialist, one of the solutions to deal with the position of death is to adopt the position of command.

In this configuration, the bed is positioned behind the centerline of the bedroom door, providing a wide, diagonal view of the space. The most suitable area for the bed is at the back, left or right of the bedroom.

Melissa also advises that under no circumstances should the bed be placed under the window, as this can expose the flow of Chi energy to unfavorable influences.

Although in some situations the bed can be placed in the center of the room, it is important to ensure that it is in the command position, providing a privileged view of the door.

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