For you who want to release your credit card limit quickly, know that anticipating the invoice is a solution. It is possible to do this at Santander using the application from the bank, where there is the option to pay some partial amount of your invoice before it expires. This function can end up being useful for organizing your finances.
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Other banks also offer some similar functions. In the case of Nubank, it offers the option of anticipating the amounts that have been paid in installments so that they are all paid in the current invoice, that is, it is different from Santander. In the bank's conventional app and also in the Way app, there's only way to advance the bill for that month.
See below how to carry out this operation in Santander:
- You need to open the Santander application and access the “cards” option;
- Once this is done, check the current account value and click on “pay invoice”;
- Then choose whether to pay the full amount, make the minimum payment or a specific amount;
- Where it says “when to pay”, you can keep the current date, otherwise it will just schedule a payment;
- Click on the “continue” option to authorize and thus confirm the payment of the invoice.
One of the advantages of anticipating the card account through Santander is that the release of your credit limit is immediate. Right after repaying the debt, the bank already updates it with the new value available and ready for use.
If you need to make a purchase that will occupy the limit a lot, but you have money in your account, it is interesting that you advance the invoice amount, because by doing this you will be able to avoid charging interest futures.
As for the disadvantages, we have here the lack of options to make this advance payment, mainly when compared to Nubank, since roxinho allows you to anticipate any account that will be charged sooner or later afternoon. In addition, the user can also apply a discount on the total amount when using this function.
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