Meet the plants and trees that bear fruit all year round

Planting can be a therapeutic activity, and tree care can be a good time of day. However, everyone who plants is interested in seeing their work bear fruit, literally! But for that you need to choose one year-round plant, such as the species that we will present.

These species are generally more adaptable to the Brazilian climate, in addition to being self-sufficient, without the need for frequent care. That is, great choices for those who started planting for now and want something less complicated and with abundant results. Check out!

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Plants grown all year round

  • Beet

Great nutritional source and an excellent cultivation option, the beet has a simple cultivation and recurring harvest. To do this, just plant a seedling or seed in relatively moist and fertilized soil. If you choose to use seeds, be aware that they take from one to three weeks to germinate, whereas harvesting can happen all year round.

  • Radish

There are some precautions that must be taken when planting radishes, the first of which is to cultivate them in a definitive place and without transportation. On the other hand, you can use small vases to plant and take the necessary care for it to bear fruit in all seasons.

  • Parsley

Like radishes, parsley should be planted right where it will be permanently. Therefore, with the use of seeds, the plant will take a maximum of six weeks to germinate. While the harvest can be plentiful all year round, provided proper care is taken.

  • Chicory

Chicory is a very easy plant to grow, and planting can be done either in a permanent place or in vases to be transported later. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the climate, as they have a preference for mild temperatures, as in southern Brazil.

  • Eggplant

Before planting the eggplant, be sure to soak the seeds in water for at least a day. Afterwards, deposit them on the surface of the soil, just covered by a thin layer of sifted soil. Finally, with the necessary care, you can have eggplants all year round in sufficient quantity.

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