King Louis X le Hutin, the Brawling or the Stubborn

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King of Navarre (1305-1316) and of France (1314-1316) born in Paris, whose reign was dominated by his uncle, Count Carlos deValois. Son and successor of Philip IV the Beautiful, whose death as a young man and the premature death of his first-born and successor, John I, opened the doors of the throne to him.
He had to face a violent reaction movement of the nobility against the absolutist tendencies of the monarchy, established during the reign of his father and predecessor. He thus tried to continue his father's authoritarian policy, but ran into a strong reaction against the monarchic authority and advised by his uncle Carlos de Valois, he decided to preserve the rights and customs of nobles.
Practically he was obliged to ensure, through the Letters, the rights and immunities of the nobles of each great fief in relation to the royal power. He died in Vincennes and was succeeded by his brother Filipe V the Tall (1293-1322), who in turn was succeeded by his younger brother Charles IV the Handsome (1294-1328), ending the reigns of the Casa dos Capetos, which would be followed by those of the Casa de Valois, which began with the accession to the throne of Philip VI of Valois, son of Count Carlos de Values

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