Money forgotten from PIS/Pasep will be RETURNED to the National Treasury; stay tuned

This Tuesday, the 20th, the Board of Trustees of the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) approved the return to the National Treasury of approximately R$ 25.2 billion forgotten by workers and heirs.

Until the 20th of August, the funds from the former PIS and Pasep funds, which were transferred to theFGTS. These resources belong to workers and public servants who have the right to withdraw.

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According to information provided by the Ministry of Labor, approximately 10.5 million workers have not yet withdrawn the corresponding amount, resulting in an average of R$ 2,400 by shareholder.

Despite the transfer of values ​​to the Treasury, workers will be able to redeem the money in up to 5 years. In case of death of the beneficiary, dependents and heirs will still be entitled to resources.

With the return of forgotten PIS/Pasep resources to the Treasury, the federal government will have the opportunity to reduce the primary deficit estimated at R$ 136 billion for this year, according to data released by the Ministry of Farm.

This return will be considered primary revenue, strengthening the National Treasury's cash flow.

The primary deficit refers to the negative result of accountsgovernment, excluding public debt interest.

According to the Constitutional Amendment of the Transition, these resources may also be directed to investments, such as public works and the acquisition of equipment, if government revenue exceeds expectations established.

How to withdraw the PIS/Pasep?

Since August 2019, withdrawals from PIS/Pasep funds accounts have been authorized for those who carried out activities with a formal contract in the private sector between 1971 and October 4, 1988.

To request the withdrawal, the worker can use the FGTS application, which offers the option of transferring to a checking account or authorization for withdrawal in kind.

When accessing the application, the beneficiary must look for the message “You have withdrawal available” and select the option “Request PIS/Pasep withdrawal”.

To conclude, the beneficiary has the right to choose how to withdraw the amount, either by crediting the account or cash withdrawal.

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