King Louis I of Portugal

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King of Portugal (1861-1889) born in Lisbon, in whose reign Portugal knew a regular constitutional system, economic and political reforms, the completion of the railway network and the modernization of various aspects of life in the country. Second son of Queen D. Mary II and D. Fernando II, succeeded his brother Pedro V (1861), married the following year to Princess Maria Pia de Sabóia, daughter of Vítor Emanuel, king of Italy.
Taking over the government amid serious financial difficulties, he had to raise taxes and, thus, he had to face a sequence of revolts, such as the one known as the Janeirinha (1868) and the military led by the Duke of Saldanha (1870).
A man of vast literary and artistic culture, he drew and painted, played various instruments and composed. Translator of Shakespeare and other authors into Portuguese, he died in Cascais, Portugal. As administrator, he started the works of the port of Lisbon and encouraged the construction of an astronomical observatory in the city.


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